Luis Vives FP
domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011
sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011
Números en inglés
ESL Lesson Plans: Decimals, Fractions, and Ordinal Numbers in English
Ordinal Numbers
Begin by second part of the number lesson plan by teaching ESL students how to form ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are numbers used for indicating order. The majority of ordinal numbers are formed by affixing the -th suffix onto the cardinal number:
- 1st – first*
- 2nd – second*
- 3rd – third*
- 4th – fourth
- 5th – fifth*
- 6th – sixth
- 7th – seventh
- 8th – eighth
- 9th – ninth*
- 10th – tenth
- 11th – eleventh
- 12th – twelfth*
- 13th – thirteenth
- 14th – fourteenth
- 15th – fifteenth
- 16th – sixteenth
- 17th – seventeenth
- 18th – eighteenth
- 19th – nineteenth
However, note that first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), and fifth (5th) are irregular: first (1st) and second (2nd) must simply be memorized, but third (3rd) and fifth (5th) are related to the spelling and pronunciation changes of the cardinal numbers thirteen (13) and thirty (30) and fifteen (15) and fifty (50). Also point out the slight spelling change in ninth (9th) and twelfth (12th).
For multiples of ten, a final y changes to an ie and then the -eth suffix is affixed to the end of the number:
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- 20th – twentieth
- 30th – thirtieth
- 40th – fortieth
- 50th – fiftieth
- 60th – sixtieth
- 70th – seventieth
- 80th – eightieth
- 90th – ninetieth
All other numbers above twenty follow the -th suffix rule in combination with the rules for the first nineteen numbers and the multiples of ten. For example:
- 21st – twenty-first
- 100th – one hundredth
- 101st – one hundred and first OR one hundred and oneth*
- 110th – one hundred and tenth
- 1,000th – one thousandth
- 1,111th – one thousand one hundred and eleventh
- 1,000,000 – one millionth
*The use of oneth in higher ordinal numbers is nonstandard but often used by native English speakers.
Next introduce the words for the decimals:
- 0.X – tenth(s)
- 0.0X – hundredth(s)
- 0.00X – thousandth(s)
- 0.000X – ten thousandth(s)
- 0.0000X – hundred thousandth(s)
- 0.00000X - millionth(s)
All decimals follow the singular-plural system for English nouns in that the number is spoken as the digit followed by the name of the decimal with any decimal larger than one taking the plural –s marker. A period is placed between the whole number and the decimal. For example:
- 0.1 – one tenth
- 0.2 – two tenths
- 0.01 – one hundredth, one one hundredth
- 0.33 – thirty-three hundredths
- 0.001 – one thousandths, one one thousandth
- 0.654321 – six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one millionths
Decimals may also be spoken as whole number-point-digits. Zeros are spoken as zero or oh. For example:
- 0.1 – point one, zero point one, oh point one
- 1.25 – one point two five
- 6.425 – six point four two five
- 2.1368 two point one three six eight
- 1.057 – one point oh five seven
- 4.0098 – four point zero zero nine eight
Finally teach the ESL students how to form fractions in English. The numerator (the top number) is spoken as a cardinal number and the denominator (the bottom number) as an ordinal number. However, half is used in place of second and sometimes quarter in place of fourth. For fractions in which the numerator is larger than one, the denominator takes the plural -s suffix. English fractions are also written with a hyphen between the numerator and denominator. For example:
- 1/2 – one-half
- 1/3 – one-third
- 2/3 – two-thirds
- 1/4 – one-fourth, one-quarter
- 4/5 – four-fifths
- 99/100 – ninety-nine one hundredths, ninety-nine hundredths
Fractions may also be spoken as cardinal number-over-cardinal number. For example:
- 1/2 – one over two
- 1/3 – one over three
- 2/3 – two over three
- 1/4 – one over four
- 4/5 – four over five
- 99/100 – ninety-nine over one hundred
For more information related to numbers in English, please refer to the following Bright Hub articles:
For a printable study sheet of the English cardinal numbers, please download English Ordinal Numbers, Decimals, and Fractions Study Sheet.
Read more:
How many is a billion?
In British English, a billion used to be equivalent to a million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000), while in American English it has always equated to a thousand million (i.e. 1,000,000,000). British English has now adopted the American figure, though, so that a billion equals a thousand million in both varieties of English.
The same sort of change has taken place with the meaning of trillion. In British English, a trillion used to mean a million million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000). Nowadays, it's generally held to be equivalent to a million million (1,000,000,000,000), as it is in American English.
Un billón americano son mil millones,
mientras que un billón europeo es un millón de millones.
Monedas de algunos países de habla inglesa
Nueva Zelanda
Cent (1 cent.), Nickel (5 cent.), Dime (10 cent.), Quarter (25 cent.), Half Dollar (Medio dólar), Buck (1 dólar).
Reino Unido
Medidas anglosajonas y equivalencias
Longitud | Equivalencia métrica | |
1 inch (pulgada) | =2,54 cm | 1 cm=0,394 in. |
1 foot (pie) = 12 in. | =30,48 cm | 1 cm=0,0328 ft. |
1 yard (yarda) = 3 ft | =0,914 m | 1 m=1,094 yd. |
1 rod (=pole, =perch) = 5 ½ yd | =5,029 m | 1 m=0,199 rd. |
1 statute mile (milla) = 5280 ft | =1,609 km | 1 km=0,621 statute m. |
1 nautical mile (milla nautica) [1] | =1,855 km | 1 km=0,539 naut.mile |
Superficie | ||
1 square inch (pulgada2) | =6,45 cm2 | 1 cm2=0,155 |
1 square foot (pie2) = 144 | =0,0929 m2 | 1 m2=10,76 sq.ft |
1 square yard (yarda2) = 9 sq. ft. | =0,8361 m2 | 1 m2=1,20 sq. yd. |
1 acre = 4840 yd2 | =0,405 ha | 1 ha=2,47 acre |
1 square mile (milla2) | =2,590 km2 | 1 km2=0,386 sq. m. |
Volumen y capacidad | ||
1 cubic inch (pulgada3) | =16,39 cm3 | 1 cm3= 0,0610 cu in. |
1 cubic foot (pie3) | =0,0283 m3 | 1 m3= 35,31 cu ft |
1 cubic yard (yarda3) = 27 cu ft | =0,765 m3 | 1 m3=1,308 cu yd |
1 bu (bushel) (USA) [2] | =35,24 dm3 | 1 dm3=0,0284 bu (USA) |
1 bu (bushel) (G. Bretaña) [2] | =36,37 dm3 | 1 dm3=0,0275 bu (G.Br.) |
1 gallon (galón) (galón USA) [3] | =3,785 l | 1 l=0,264 gal (USA) |
1 gallon (galón Imperial) [3] | =4,546 l | 1 l=0,220 gal (Imp.) |
1 barrel (barril) = 31 ½ gal | =119,2 l | 100 l=0,839 barrel |
1 barrel (barril) = 42 gal [4] | =0,159 m3 | 1 m3=6,290 barrel |
Peso o fuerza | ||
1 ounce avdp (onza avoirdupois) | =28,3 g | 1 g=0,0353 oz avdp |
1 ounce troy (onza troy) [5] | =31,1 g | 1 g=0,0322 oz troy |
1 pound avdp (libra) = 16 oz | =0,454 kg | 1 kg=2,205 lb avdp |
1 hundredweight (quintal) = 100 lb | =45,36 kg | 1 kg=0,022 cwt |
1 short ton (t corta) [6] | =0,907 t | 1 t=1,102 sh tn |
1 long ton (t larga) [7] | =1,016 t | 1 t=0,984 lg tn |
Peso específico | ||
1 lb/ft3 (libra/pie3) | =16,02 kg/m3 | 1 kg/m3=0,0624 lb/ft3 |
1 lb/gal (libra/galón) | =0,120 kg/l | 1 kg/l=8,3455 lb/gal |
1 sh ton/yd3 (t corta/yarda3) | =1,187 t/m3 | 1 t/m3=0,843 sh ton/yd3 |
Caudal | ||
1 gal/min (galón USA/min) | =0,227 m3/h | 1 m3/h=4,403 gal/min |
Rendimiento y dosificación | ||
1 oz/acre (onza/acre) | =70,1 g/ha | 1 kg/ha=14,3 oz/acre |
1 lb/acre (libras/acre) | =1,121 kg/ha | 1 kg/ha=0,892 lb/acre |
1 ton/acre (t corta/acre) | =0,446 t/ha | 1 t/ha=2,242 tn/acre |
1 gal USA/acre (galones/acre) | =9,35 l/ha | 1 l/ha=0,107 gal/acre |
1 oz/gal USA (onza/galón) | =7,49 g/l | 1 g/l=0,134 oz/gal USA |
Velocidad | ||
1 ft/sec (pie/s) | =0,305 m/s | 1 m/s=3,281 ft/sec |
1 mph (milla/h) | =1,609 km/h | 1 km/h=0,621 mph |
1 knot (nudo = milla náutica/h) | =1,855 km/h | 1 km/h=0,539 knot |
1 BTU/ft2-h | =3,155 W/m2 | 1 W/m2=0,317 BTU/ft2-h |
Temperatura | ||
°C = 5/9 x (°F - 32) [8] | °F (Fahrenheit) = (9/5 x °C) + 32 | |
[1] La milla náutica es igual a un minuto de meridiano (1 min en el ecuador). [2] El volumen del bushel difiere entre USA y Gran Bretaña. Salvo indicación en contrario, aquí se hará referencia exclusiva al bushel USA. [3] El galón de USA difiere del empleado en Gran Bretaña y sus ex-posesiones (galón imperial).En todos los casos 1 gal = 4 qt (quarts) = 8 pt (pintas). [4] El barril de 42 galones se usa en la industria petrolera. [5] La onza troy se emplea en metales finos, principalmente el oro. [6] La tonelada corta equivale a 2.000 lb, siendo la unidad habitualmente empleada en las publicaciones internas en USA (abreviatura plural "tons"). [7] La tonelada larga equivale a 2.240 lb y su plural se abrevia "tonnes" en USA. [8] Ejemplo: 50°F (Fahrenheit) equivalen en grados Celsius: 5/9 x (50 - 32) = 10°C; 20°C equivalen a (9/5 x 20) + 32 = 68°F. |
Los números (nombres, numéros, chiffres)
...en algunos países
70 soixante-dix
71 soixante-onze
72 soixante-douze
73 soixante-treize
74 soixante-quatorce
75 soixante-quinze
76 soixante-seize
77 soixante-dix-sept
78 soixante-dix-huit
79 soixante-dix-neuf
80 quatre-vingt
81 quatre-vingt et un
82 quatre-vingt-deux
83 quatre-vingt-trois
84 quatre-vingt-quatre
85 quatre-vingt-cinc
86 quatre-vingt-six
87 quatre-vingt-sept
88 quatre-vingt-huit
89 quatre-vingt-neuf
90 quatre-vingt-dix
91 quatre-vingt-onze
92 quatre-vingt-douze
93 quatre-vingt-treize
94 quatre-vingt- quatorze
95 quatre-vingt- quinze
96 quatre-vingt-seize
97 quatre-vingt- dix-sept
98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
Recuerda que se dice...
Septante (70), octante ou huitante (80), nonante (90)...en algunos países
Articles définis
Les les stylos et les gommes
Articles indéfinis
Articles partitifs
Masculine singular | Feminine singular | Plural | Traducción |
mon | ma | mes | mi/mis |
ton | ta | tes | tu/tus (familiar) |
son | sa | ses | su/ sus (de ellos) |
notre | notre | nos | nuestro |
votre | votre | vos | vuestro / vuestros (formal o plural) |
leur | leur | leurs | su /sus (de ellos) |
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